Since its founding in 2013, the Sanctuary has offered Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, Clinical Hypnosis and Advanced Trainings as well as Michael Newton Institute approved Life-Between-Lives Trainings. We also work with Transformation Games, Active Imagination, shadow work, trauma work, Active Imagination, Archetypes, Myth, Fantasies, and Active Dream work among other techniques. Our therapists and Instructors are always trying to learn new methodologies and bring them into their practices and share their learning with us all..
Located on a hill in Tuscany surrounded by olive groves, here is a secluded park where a variety of fruit trees grow... Our school and healing center consists of a main house with annexed buildings, a library, a meditation hut, a small creek, and some land where a fire circle and medicine wheel sit . The Park sanctuary is about a five minute walk by foot to the main square of our village. Pietrasanta has an international community of stonecarvers and artists with marble studios, mosaic and bronze foundries are located on the coast of the Mediterranean sea.
Supervised weeks and weekends are times when volunteers can work with newly trained therapists -an essential part of our program- is a time when next steps for both students becoming therapists and individualized programs can be born and guide us to evolve. Personal development is also a main ingredient in both training and building your base as a therapist and is included in exchange and research weekends.
When Allison Lee Axinn and Paul Aurand along with Lucien Cattai established the Verziere Sanctum at 'The Park', in Pietrasanta, Tuscany the intention was to create a safe place for trainings where practice went beyond theory and experiential exchanges could inspire deep change.
Supervised weekends and review weeks taught us to continue developing techniques where we learned that creating a broader perspective by having multiple therapists work with the same client provided other insights, deeper awareness and comprehension to include other techniques, methods and support. Group debriefs have provided deeper understanding for therapists to have more insight and a broader view to gain a longer lasting shift in perspective
The expression that it sometimes takes a village to raise a child has been essential. There are moments when an in-depth support situation creates a real and enduring turning point and a therapist learns their trade as a calling, where the meeting of the minds nourishes something on a deeper level and commitment to healing..
And here is where Turning Point was born. After years of including other therapists to collaborate with the same client- as in some situations offering more then one modality can build a stronger base, we began to practice what we had dreamed of: creating the village for clients to feel safe in, with shared reviewing of perspectives and sessions to discover more profound ways to move forward.
In 2020, despite Covid-19, we continued to offer face to face sessions, in person English and Italian trainings, supervised weekends, and Healing Retreats. And as there is always more to learn, so too our staff has evolved and changed through time, adding new Therapists, Instructors and Lecturers bringing their own insights and expertise to our programs, expanding the content as we believe each therapist and client may find some techniques to work better than others. And as therapists and teachers we are always inspired by our students and clients, in experiencing and practicing we look to learn new ways for effectiveness and enduring results. There is always more to learn...that is a great inspiration.
Our intention has been set to work with very small groups . We find that with individual time and support this ancient way also at times like apprenticeships helps therapists build a better base. We like to learn about each student in order to support you in the best way for your individual growth and as a therapist.
Over the years we have had the privilege and pleasure to teach hypnotherapy and other forms of therapy to people of many backgrounds: from therapists practicing therapy to those who are beginning: people who have wanted to become therapists and have had life experiences in other arenas. School of life also builds a base and background for working with others, especially when we focus on what learning and understanding it has brought us, sometimes our trainings are about supplementing already developed skill sets that came into existence via life experiences such as care-taking or guiding. We have trained natural energy workers and occupational therapists, and those who work with other forms of physical therapy, and healing: doctors, surgeons, teachers of various nature, psychologists, artists, teachers, and many more.
Our basic trainings are open to everyone, especially people who wish to know more about themselves in the process of becoming a therapist.
Our trainings also have supported therapists to learn how to create their own therapy programs, healing centers and schools. We also provide continuing dialogues to help students to discover their next steps and, as always, we are available for mentoring support for therapists building their practices and practice centers.
To insure a highly individualized and multifaceted training:
our trainings have a proportional ratio of Instructors, Assistant Instructors and staff to a small individualized group of students.
About Turning Point
Beginning around 2005 we began to combine working with more than one therapist working with the same client in individual sessions, creating a possibility for joined support and feedback, and a wider range of therapeutic insight and methodologies.
We had observed supervised weekends with students where two or three therapists worked with the same client brought insights and change. And when we debriefed together we understood that we created more possibilities for understanding how to create a more comprehensive therapy. These experiences gave birth to a desire to have an more in-depth comprehensive program for those looking to change their lives.
Also combining body mind and spirit via sessions with ayurvedic masseuses and interactive body work along with therapy sessions our work became more grounded for each person to discover better ways to integrate and continue strengthening their development post retreat, post sessions.
Since 2018, the Sanctum began to offer these interwoven programs as a residential retreat where in-depth therapy and wellness programs could create a Turning Point.
Turning Point Residential Healing Retreat, is an intensive program created to help people who have chosen to change their lives, transform, heal, and move forward. It is open to anyone who has these desires, wishes, and commitments.
Even therapists need therapy:
Feel free to ask about our Healing Retreats for therapists.
Module One Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/ Ipnoterapia Transpersonale
Supervision Weekend
Supervision Weekend
Past Life Regression Certification Training
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Foundation of Verziere Sanctum
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training
Past Life Regression Certification Training
Clinical Hypnotherapy Training
Throughout the year
Five Supervision weeks
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training
Past Life Regression Certification Training
Clinical Hypnotherapy Training
Throughout the year
Five Supervision weeks
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training
Past Life Regression Certification Training
Clinical Hypnotherapy Training
Throughout the year
Eight Supervision weeks
Union Week
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training
Past Life Regression Certification Training
Clinical Hypnotherapy Training
Pre-training Life Between Life
Hypno-Dreaming Workshop
Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy Training
Hypno-Dreaming Training
Throughout the year
Ipno-terapia Clinical and Regressive
Seven Supervision weeks
Clinical Hypnotherapy Training
Hypnotherapy Regression Training
Formazione Ipnoterapia Transpersonale
Past Life regression with Children Workshop -Christine Alissa
Advanced Hypnotherapy Training
Summer Training:
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training
Past Life Regression Certification Training
Clinical Hypnotherapy Training
Hypno-Dreaming Training
Advanced Hypnotherapy Training
Hypno-Dreaming Training
Throughout the year
Six Supervision weeks
Ipno-sogni Formazione
Hypno-dreaming Training
Ipno-sogni Formazione
Hypnodreaming Training
Ipnodreaming Training
Summer Training:
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training Module One
Past Life Regression Certification Training Module Two
Pre Life Between Lives Training
Ipno-sogni Formazione
Hypno-dreaming Training
Life Between Lives Certification Training
Ipno Sogni Certification Supervision
Throughout the year
Five Supervision weeks
Weekly Zoom Supervision Review and Debrief for TranspersonaL and Past Life Regression Certification
January - June
Weekly Zoom Supervision Review and Debrief for Post Training LBL Certification
Weekly Zoom for Students Reviewing
Guest Lectures.
Formazione Ipnoterapia Transpersonal Training
Transformation Game for Student
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training Module One
Advanced Hypnotherapy Training
Turning Point
Past Life Regression Certification Training Module Two
Turning Point 1
Throughout the year
Seven Supervision Weeks
January- May
Weekly Zoom Supervision Review and Debrief for Post Training LBL Certification
Weekly Zoom review for Transpersonal and Past Life Certification Training
Settimanale zoom per la Formazione di Ipnoterapia Transpersonal e Regressione Certificazione
Turning Point 2
Turning Point 3
Turning Point 4
Turning Point 5
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training
Past Life Regression Certification Training
Turning Point 6
Turning Point 7
October- December
Weekly Zoom Supervision Review and Certification
Transpersonal and Past Life Certification Training
Turning Point January 19-26
Supervision Certification Weekend January 29 - February 5
Supervision Certification Week Continued February 1-5
Turning Point 1-8
Supervised weekend March 17- 21
Supervised Weekend
Transformation Game July 10-11
Summer Certification training:
Module 1 Transpersonal hypnotherapy Certification Training 13-18
Module 2 Past Life Regression Certification Training. 21-27
Transformation Game August 22-26
Transformation Game for students September 19-26
Transformation Game November 23-28
September - December
Weekly Zoom Supervision Review and Transpersonal and Past Life Certification Training
With Guest Lecturers
Supervision Certification Week 19-26
Individual Turning Point 14-18
Supervision Certification week 23-29
Transformation Game 1-7
Supervision Certification Week 23-30
Transformation Game 10- 11
(Students only)
Module One Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training 13-18
Module Two Past Life Regression Certification Training 21-27
Turning Point 1-7
Module One Italian and English Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training 21-28
Turning Point
October 28- November 3
November- January
Zoom Supervision and Review
Module 3 Fears, Phobias, Anxiety, Insomnia and
Depression Techniques 20-27
Supervision Certification 29 - 3
Supervision Certification week Continued
Module Two Italian and English Past Life Regression Certification Training 6th-12th
Transformation Game 24th- 30th
Turning Point 6th - 12th
Supervision 3rd- 6th- 10th
Supervision Days 4th and 11th
Transformation Game for Training 10th-11th
Module 1 Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training 13th-18th
Module 2 Past Life Regression Certification Training. 21nd-26th
Active Imagination and Hypnosis for discovering the story within 17th- 24th
Transformation Game 25th- 30th
Transformation Game for Training 4th & 5th
Module One Italian and English
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification Training 7th - 12th
Supervision Certification Week
20th- 26th
Turning Point October 1st - 5th
November- January
Zoom Supervision and Review
Supervision weekends TBA
Reseacrh and Regression for Regressionists 1st - 9th