Professor Allison Lee Axinn, BA, Cht, MA Founder of Verziere Sanctum, Turning Point, along with its Transpersonal, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy, Advanced Transpersonal Techniques and Life Between Life Training Program in Italy.
Instructor, Educator, Mentor and Therapist for the Michael Newton Institute as well for programs born here.
Practices: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Life Between life Therapy, Active Imagination, Dream Re-Entry, Flexible Shielding, Dream Re-enactment, Active Imagination, Capture listings, Atonement Therapy, Redemption Therapy
Trained at Findhorn in 2007 as a Transformation Game Facilitator.
Allison began by studying psychology at University intending to become a
therapist for autistic and schizophrenic children. As she began working in centres alongside studying she discovered such an avenue required more than she was able to give with her education as her skills lay in other direction. She has also trained off and on in Jungian therapy, first discovering hypnosis and regression were for her a better more efficient form of working with clients. Currently studying with foundation program of Applied Jungian Psychology
For more than 20 years she has been researching exploring and consolidating ways to work with clients developing techniques that she also teaches .Currently she is working with a technique of active imagination and active dreaming to create stepping stone inductions to help clients connect more deeply within and have techniques to work with post sessions.
Languages: English and Italian
Anastasia Axinn Faereavaag BA, Cht, has been involved with Verziere Sanctum throughout it's evolution from therapy studio to becoming a school that eventually has come to include a healing centre for retreats. She began as a translator and then interpreter, gradually filling other roles in a creative and educative capacity.
She translated many of the manuals and has been involved in their didactic formation and editing as well as working with other educative materials.
Anastasia is an Assistant Instructor on Transpersonal, Past Life Regression and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Advanced and served as an Inerpreter and Assistant on Life Between Life trainings as well as on supervision certification weeks .
Along with her teaching skills, and her role as an interpreter and translator, editor she brings in a strong influence as a didactic strategist assistant working with education development and mentoring programs.
This year she completed her degree in Neuroscience and psychology and is currently studying for her Masters in Neuroscience and Psychology as well as translating for and teaching at our school.
Anastasia is certified by the International Association of Counselors and therapists.
Travis Carrier
Travis is a Certified Practitioner and Teacher of Saphire® Imagery through The School of Images in New York City. His personal journey has been to rediscover the healing potential of imagery since childhood. As an adult, his research was first initiated through painting and creative practices. Since 2012, he has listened to the inner voice from within, completely changing directions from being an artist to a healer with the intention to help the healing and transformation of the world both personally and globally. Travis is also a certified facilitator and Instructor for Transpersonal hypnotherapy, Spiritual and Family constellations, and leads life-between-lives regression work. He is a spiritual healer in the traditional sense, working with people for a deep realignment on all levels of their self for a new manifestation of life. Aside from his wide range of studies and certifications in his field Travis also has a BA in Painting from the Rhode Island School of Design.
Alexandria Svalastog Alexandra is a certified hypnotherapist and consulting hypnotist. Her passion is helping people who are struggling with health issues. She has a Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioral Hypnotherapy from the UK School of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and has special training in the fields of Clinical Hypnosis, Medical Hypnotherapy, Pain Management, Alchemical Hypnosis and EFT.
Alexandra lives and practices as a registered hypnotherapist in beautiful Norway and works with clients all over the world to help them make the changes they want to live healthier and happier.
Alexandra lectures for our post training program on pain management and how to prepare for surgery.
If you would like to learn more about about her work: please visit
Amir-Hosseyn Yasari
Growing up in Vienna, Amir went to school close to Berggasse, where Sigmund Freud lived and worked. After school, he lived in various countries, studying, researching and traveling.
After medical school, Amir started his residency in psychiatry in Vienna, interrupting the programme for a Neuroscience Master at King's College London. He became a consultant psychiatrist at the University Medical Centre in Hamburg, Germany, in 2020.
Today, he leads a team of residents, psychologists, and nurses treating patients with anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and depression. To reduce the stigmatisation of people with mental illnesses, he created a blog with colleagues addressing pressing issues on mental health. Since the pandemic started, Amir has provided basic psychiatric help to refugees at a local organisation's psychosocial counseling department. He spent his weekends on the rugby field, coaching young children to become athletes.
Amir has been working in the mental health field for over 10 years. His interests include the broad field of psychiatry, from history to neurobiology and the experiences and life stories of patients, family members, and professionals. However, his PhD research at Brunel University focuses on the effects of music utilised as medicine on depressive symptoms. He is studying auditory training programs such as Music for the Mind, intended to stimulate the brain and facilitate active listening.
The therapists listed here are some of an integral part of our training program. In order to be listed you must have completed the Certification process or are currently involved with our program
Marianna Srsnova
For over ten years, I focused on developing creativity in children and adults. I perceive creativity as a source for personal growth. Therefore, I always promoted creativity when I led work teams and the educational organization I founded.
Since 2018, I have been engaged in biodynamic body-psychotherapy, which connects the work with the body, emotions and mind, uses verbal techniques, imagination, regression and aims to search for inner resources and vitality of our primary personality.
Since 2021, I am engaged in transpersonal hypnotherapy. I am a certified hypnotherapist and a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists.
In addition to my private practice, I also work as a therapist at a residential clinic for addiction treatment and psychological wellbeing care since 2022. Here I work with clients dealing with addiction, depression, anxiety, psychosomatic problems, trauma or psychiatric issues.
Face to Face: Prague
Online everywhere
Language: English, Slovakian, Czech
Marlene Barberi
Medico Chirurgo
Specialista in Psichiatria
Esperta in omeopatia
Terapista Transpersonale e Della Regressione a Vite passate
la Vita Tra la Vite (Scuola Michael Newton, In Italia))
Bilancio delle frequenze
Location: Italy
Language: Italian
Dott.ssa Angela Cotza
James MacFadyen
found his path to helping others with their challenges from his own research and experience - driven by a spiritual restlessness and curiosity since childhood. Bringing oneself up in this world from low energetic states such as anxiety/depression into the light is a calling, he is convinced, open to all. How to navigate in the light direction is the ultimate question. From his point of view, working within the physical sphere, the mental sphere, and the emotional sphere is a great basis from whence to commence.
Some tools, teachings and techniques James uses are Transpersonal Hypnosis which brings great insights, adventures and releases. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which firstly helps us to reframe by questioning the veracity of our own thoughts and the subsequent emotions born from therein and secondly to begin to realise that accepting a thought is a choice which is often hidden from our consciousness.
Nitzan Neta Elhanany
Certified Psychologist and an LBL Facilitator
I believe a real transformation comes from combining mind body and soul Work.
I was always fascinated by deep psychological work and LBL work.
I believe the soul knows the way, so the fact that all answers comes from the client during LBL is very therapeutic .
For maximum results, I believe it’s important to ground all ideas in an ongoing therapy sessions, once a week/month or few month.
Languages: English and Hebrew
Zoe Shapira
Certified psychologist and an LBL facilitator
Languages: English and Hebrew
Rana Nabulsi
Individual Regression sessions: Child regression – parts therapy – Womb – Clinical (Trauma).
Past life regression and Life between lives regression sessions.
Rana is a dedicated therapist. She helps her clients to connect to their higher selves with respect to their identity and guides them to understand their own situation on a deeper level. She works to help them overcome their challenges with this new knowledge and build up a new strategy to enhance different aspects of their lives.
Based in Amman, Jordan.
Languages: English, Arabic
Nino Kiladaze
For almost two decades I have been engaged in psychotherapy, self-development, personal growth.
In the last years my focus is hypnosis, hypnotherapy and quantum psychology.
For me these fields are interconnected as all of them work with brain waves to achieve different levels of consciousness and allow a person to find the answers or reach potentials they have been looking for.
I have studied with Alliance Training Program after which I have become a Certified Member of IACT
(International Association of Counselors and Therapists).
Location: Latvia or online
Languages: English, Italian, Russian and Croatian
Karin Lang
Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Life Between Lives® Spiritual Regression Therapist, Energy Healer and Healing Retreat facilitator.
Language: English
Zhanna Aidarkhanova, or simply Janna
is a Transpersonal and Regression Hypnotherapist certified by Alliance Training Program (Pietrasanta. Italy) and an MNI certified Life between Lives facilitator. A professional member of the EARTh Association for Regression Therapy, Janna is also a Michael Newton LBL certification case reviewer and a supervisor in training for Past Life Regression Academy (UK). A financial analyst in the past, Janna has had a transformative experience with hypnotherapy in 2015 and ever since, her passion became to study and apply this powerful technique for the benefit of others.
Languages: English and Russian
Izabela Gendek
I am a certified hypnotherapist and a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT). I am also a traveler, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and partner. I see myself as a warrior, a witch, and a soul in constant search—curious about the depth and meaning of life. From time to time, I work with psychedelics; sometimes, I work with dreams. I often use Arnold Mindell's concept of the dreaming body during hypnosis. All the while, I try to listen to the voice of intuition, which guides me in conducting sessions and living my life. My approach to life and hypnosis is transpersonal and holistic, integrating the mind, body, spirituality, and higher consciousness. I deeply value connecting with others—their true nature, what makes them unique, their light, shadow, and inner world.
Languages: Polish, English
Fiona Allan
I am a certified hypnotherapist and a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists.
I work with Transpersonal hypnotherapy, relaxation and past life regression, as well as healing visualisation.
I worked for the NHS for 41 years before
deciding to try something a bit different.
I have been a Tarot card reader since 1980s, and trained under Radleigh Valentine and Doreen Virtue.
Presently enrolled in Richard Knights' Psychic Academy.
Language: English
United Kingdom
Martin Poole
Hypnotherapist, specialising in inner child work and childhood trauma. Looking at shadow distortions and what makes us tick and tock PLR Therapy, Parts Therapy, Inner Child work and trauma release.
Journey to a rainbow room to meet: Higher Self/Guides/Ascended Masters/Angels Etc. Soul retrieval.
Attachment, Entity and Shadow distortion removal.
Shadow work, working with Phobias and Anxieties.
Under hypnosis will show you how to escape the reincarnation loop.
Location: UK
Language: English
United Kingdom
Jamie Carroll
Therapy should be a soulful process. It’s a chance for you to not only move beyond problems from the past that still hold you back but also to look forward and consider questions around your purpose in life. Like: “Am I being the full expression of who I want to be?” or “Am I doing the things I want me to do?”
I provide a welcoming, calm, non-judgmental space where you can be seen and heard, think about the challenges you are going thorough and harness your inner resources. I offer talk therapy, hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression. For clients who are open to it, I also integrate astrological insights.
I am currently working towards an MA in Psychosynthesis, a form of Psychotherapy based on the idea that we have a wiser Higher SELF inside ourselves which we can learn to tune into. I’ve also served as a therapist on the Sanctum’s Turning Point team.
Location: UK (Face to Face and online)
Language: English
United States
Jennifer Axinn-Weiss, MFA, MA, CHT, SEP
Practices: Somatic Experiencing, Life Between Lives, Hypnosis Instruction, Expressive Arts, Sandplay, Journey Dance, Neural Retraining
I have over 25 years of clinical experience influenced by my own healing journey and meditation experience.. I have loved exploring creative expression and dreamwork through the NY Jung Foundation, UC Berkeley and have a year of Doctoral studies at the Union Institute in Vermont.
I specialize in supporting empaths, creatives, children and those suffering from anxiety, depression, phobias, addiction, sleep issues, spiritual bypass and more. Collaborate with me on a journey of healing through mindfulness, somatic awareness, neural retraining, expression and the power of imagination.
Language: English
Hypno-dreaming/Ipnosogni Practitioners: Italy
Elena Cucchiara , Musicista, Cantante, Docente di Musica, Ipnologa , Operatrice olistica specializzata in Dreamwork Arte del Sognare , secondo la tradizione sciamanico-tolteca.
Sedute di:
* Dreamwork (lavoro sui sogni )
* Rilassamento Guidato
* Sound-healing
* Ipnosi Transpersonale
* Regressione alle vite precedenti
* Cerchio di sognatori
Hypno-dreaming/Ipnosogni Practitioners: Italy
Francesca Pastorino , terapista in Ayurveda Ph. D. in Indovedic Psycology Ayurveda Specialty, Ipnosi e Soul Realignment practictioner, Operatrice olistica specializzata in Dreamwork Arte del Sognare , secondo la tradizione sciamanico-tolteca.
Sedute di:
* Dreamwork (lavoro sui sogni )
* Rilassamento Guidato
* Soul-Realignment
* Ipnosi Transpersonale
* Regressione alle vite precedenti
* Cerchio di sognatori