The Transpersonal Module 1 (Part of 2 Modules) holds a focus on experiential, practical and theoretical approach to the world of Interactive Client - Centered Hypnosis and Trance Development.. The program includes other possibilities of inducing trance via Active Imagination and Active Dreaming. Personal development is a fundamental basis for this work and learning via experiencing as a therapist, observer and client brings a strong solid base.
We follow the philosophy of believing that each individual has within them the ability to heal and evolve, and that we as their therapists guide this journey through facilitating exploration for our clients to rediscover their own unique resources.
As an aspiring therapist you will learn how to create a safe and unconditional environment for the client to discover the best possible solutions to their particular situation, and to develop resources and tools they can access in the future..
Our daily Agenda is divided into:
Students will have the opportunity to observe, experience and facilitate sessions with support and feedback. Staff can be available for Individual post training mentoring upon request..
* Each training varies as the requirements and styles and rhythms needed for each student coming from their own unique backgrounds with their own unique styles of learning ...We focus on enhancing what you know and supporting and bridging the material. We understand learning is a unique process so we take time to evaluate- without judgement- as how well material is digested varies, so each day the instructors review how well each student is progressing so we can be certain of how well they are learning, and sometimes create exercises to support understanding of the material.
In order to register for Module One it is required that you take the personal development workshop Transformation Game. Playing the Transformation Game helps you understand about your real focus is for working with your strengths and challenges both in your personal life and in becoming a therapist. This step as a beginning part of your foundation will bring insight and support for you in building your practice post training as a therapist and in your personal life.. This also creates the habit of continuing to always be working on yourself.
Post training we have a few months of optional zoom meetings- they are included in your training fee. The zoom meetings are times to debrief, discuss your sessions, review your understanding of the material and how you are progressing, and to support you in building your practice. They also will provide support in personal development. We also have guest speakers who may have other specialities in our field and so can share their own experiences and how they work.
We also a focus on post training support for setting up your practice and developing and integrating your skills and personal development that has begun throughout training.
Six months post training we hold an optional supervised certification week where a combination of reviewing, exercises, induction writing and sessions with volunteers with supervision give more feedback culminating with teaching therapists how to create next steps plans with their clients.
Accommodations: most students chose to share a house together. We reserve a few houses in advance and there is usually 2 or 3 students per house. Accommodations are next door or within walking distance to our training. Students have Individual bedrooms and shared kitchens and bathrooms. Each house has a private garden.
Training length: 7 consecutive days,
10 am to 6 pm
Allison Lee Axinn
Assistant Instructor:
Anastasia Axinn Faeravaag
Next Available Trainings:
Annual Summer Training:
July 13th -19th
September 14th -24th
This course meets the training requirement for IACT Certification and The Prerequisites for the Michael Newton Institute LBL training course.
Upon Completion of Modules One & Two, and your certification requirements you will be eligible for membership in the International Association of Counselors and Therapists.
For those wishing to practice general hypnotherapy or receive Italian accreditation, Modules Three and Four are also required as they offer a more clinically advanced approach towards accreditation.
Module 2 Regression into Current and Past Life memories, Metaphor and Active Imagination...
An objective observer can gain clarity and insights which can help create a reframe and shift perspective which releases the emotional charge/block linked to past happenings which can be carried energetically.
This method of working with regression as a hypno-therapeutic tool creates an ability to change patterns or survival strategies which no longer serve and/or hold a client back and/or creates unnecessary suffering in their present day lives. This technique may require a progressive unfolding as it takes the time it takes to rebuild a solid base.
Past Life Regression: the soul may or may not decide to carry experiences through the veil of birth along into the current lifetime; these experiences may also develop and create blocks/learning opportunities which manifest in the form of patterns, coping strategies and habits which may serve us in some moments, only to become obsolete later. Going back to the root cause of these phenomena a person has the opportunity to see and experience clearly, in a detached manner, to develop a clearer perspective.
As therapists we learn to help clients recognize themes from their childhood memories and current life experiences which can be echoed in from Past Live connections or even through Active Imagination.
*Some people may feel more comfortable with the idea of a Past Life Regression as Unconscious Metaphor brought forth by the Psyche in order to engender healing, whatever your system of belief, it is not a prerequisite to the experience of engendering healing and growth.
The course covers how to approach:
Finding the themes to work with
Post training there are optional zoom meetings with review and debriefing of your sessions as well as guest speakers who share about their specialties in their practice.
There is also a focus on post training support for setting up your practice and developing and integrating your skills and personal development that has begun throughout training.
Six months post training we hold an optional supervised certification week where a combination of reviewing, exercises, induction writing and sessions with volunteers with supervision give more feedback culminating with teaching therapists how to create next steps plans with their clients.
Additional supervision weekends and review weeks upon request.
Training length: 7 consecutive days,
10 am to 6 pm
Next available trainings:
April 26th - May 3rd
Annual Summer training:
July 22nd -28th
Allison Lee Axinn
Assistant Instructor:
Anastasia Axinn Faeravaag
Successful completion of this course will give you experience of the entire process of Current, Womb and Past Life Regression Therapy and is accredited by the International Association of Counselors and therapist and recognized as an Alliance Training Program by the Michael Newton Institute.
There is always more to learn: via practice and experience and continued education.
The power for transformations to occur lie within our clients. Having already experienced the potential of Client-Based Transpersonal Hypnosis and Regression Therapy as taught in Module One and Two, Advanced is looking at the techniques, strategies and planning which can maximize this latent ability within your clients. We are introducing skills which will deepen your abilities as a Client-Based Therapist, methods of maximizing the long-term outcomes from the hypnotic experience which is fundamental for your clients to make enduring change.
Each Module includes post training opportunities for supervised weekends, and follow up zoom reviewing, supervision dialogues and feedback.
Training in Advanced Techniques
Brave Birds Fly Through the fog
January 18th -26th, 2026
If one were to imagine the brain as an antenna and receiver and the type and quality of our emotional lives dependent on the signal we are sending and receiving then the question as therapists is: How do we tune in to a frequency and transmit a frequency for both ourselves and our clients enabling ourselves to make a meaningful impact on some of the most painful and enduring emotional aspects of the human condition?
Exploring and gaining the Techniques for teaching our clients how to deepen their connection with themselves under duress and challenges...
-Depression into --> meaningful existence
-Insomnia into --> restorative sleep and inspiring dreams
-Fears into -->stepping stones for learning curves.
-Anxiety into -->Serenity
-Releasing Expectations- for both therapist and client
-Releasing Expectations via Fractionalization
Some clients bring an expectation that can even block their doing the work by bringing conscious mind into the session and trying to control what happens. By creates a small series of Individualized stepping stone exercises with our clients, we can help them feel more comfortable going deeper and deeper into trance in a safer and more relaxed manner.
Active Imagination
How deep do we need to go? What levels of Hypnosis? Is it truly important to be ‘hypnotised?” There are many levels of trance we can use as starting point. When we travel in our mind, our inner archetypes, complexes, life lessons and intentions reveal themselves more clearly. Every story whether metaphor or real has the elements of our soul plans and life challenges. And sometimes, we can go even deeper via stepping stones..
-Flexible Shields --> Activating your skills to navigate your individual existence
Training in Advanced Techniques
August 2nd-7th 2025
-Sleep Challenges: Nightmares, insomnia
-Healing while you sleep
-Re-entering Past and Current Life Dreams
-Atonement Therapy
-Weigh Station
-Pain Management
-How to Prepare for Surgery
Sleep Challenges
How do we work with sleep challenges. Developing techniques to reach the root cause while also alleviating the symptoms to enable our clients to rest and dream and heal while they sleep. Working with dream activation as an expressive release, working with dream re-entry and healing while you sleep.
Atonement Therapy
Forgiveness can be over-rated. Sometimes we excuse rude or hurtful or even abusive behaviour due to old patterns, fear of confrontation or even to make life simple. And yet what if there were a technique youi could develop to prevent further repetition of unhealthy patterns for both people- what if one could learn to set a standard of how one is treated and the person who wants to redeem themselves learns a way to create the pathway to shifting?
Exploring the stages of releasing and building forgiveness with insight and nourshing new patterns... With a techniques like Oponopono, there’s actually the choice of forgiving someone and helping them learn how to become a good person, cutting them out of your life completely and hoping they find their own way. This is a step in shifting energy... but how to move beyond and truly learn and deeply heal... For both the 'villain' and the 'victim'
Pain Management
Working with clients in pain is about helping them to befriend the enemy and discover that it has a good intention. Pain is a messenger and a master teacher, a catalyst that can trigger good, healthy change in their life. When we guide and teach clients to open the channels of communication and connect, speak, and listen to the pain with the ear of their heart, they can discover the true source of the pain.
When we heal pain at its deepest source, we can heal our life. This inner exploration can generate powerful insights, core transformation and gift us the opportunity to become greater than the pain by connecting with that divine part of us that is greater than the physical and emotional pain and discomfort in our life.
How to Prepare for Surgery
By preparing for surgery via hypnosis and awareness and guided healing imagery, by bringing in a deeper connection to mind and body the outcome in recovery can unfold with more consciousness and ease.
Module 3 January 18th-26th, 2026
Instructors and Staff:
Allison Lee Axinn
Anastasia Axinn Faeravaag
Module 4 August 2nd - 7th, 2025
Instructors and Staff:
Allison Lee Axinn
Anastasia Axinn Faeravaag
Alexandra Svalastog
-Dream Re entry
-Dream Re enactment
-Meandering in the Mind
Active Dreaming
Advanced Techniques
Working in trauma via Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Regression Hypnotherapy, Active Imagination and Active Dreaming.
It takes a village: working with trauma in a group setting learning by observing , facilitating participating.. Too often therapists begin to neglect their own personal development and can find themselves in an overload or even burn out or simply triggered by their own unresolved traumas. This training works with indepth personal development as well as practicing the delicate and subtle work of Soul Retrieval, Restitution and Renaissance (rebirth) of the whole self.
Sometimes it takes a village: mentoring for opening your own Turning Point Program Internships to work in triads for Healing: as a observer who collaborates, as therapist with support, and as client for personal development.
Continued Personal Development both for your own individual hihest growth and unfolding your own unique protocols as as therapist.
There are many options we offer for deepening your personal development
Transformation Games Transpersonal and Regression Therapy, LBL work, Active Imagination and more such as learning about working with your Archetypes and Shadow work
Supervision weekends are an opportunity to practice and review all you have learnt during our trainings. We also work with the process of writing an induction, teaching you the steps to become versatile in creating your own special protocols and developing your own unique style according to client's intentions and your own special qualities.
We also review direct and indirect suggestions as well as review the healing interventions you have learned throughout your training and make sure you understand how to apply them. Often there are small exercises and practices we devise accordingly to your needs as a student.
You will be practicing sessions on volunteers and doing exchanges for personal development whilst under the supervision of the teaching staff, therefore you have an opportunity to receive feedback, insights, and strategies for aspects of a hypnotherapy session.
Supervision Certification week is a week of review, revision, supervised session with support and feedback as well as induction writing and developing your own exclusive protocols and style. By the end of the week you can submit your required induction and will have also understood any areas you may want to pursue and develop as a specialty in your practice.
These opportunities provide the time and perspective to work with your case studies for certification, so the process becomes a learning experience rather than feeling a sense of judgment and criticism.
Groups of four to five therapists max.
Training length:
7 consecutive days with break halfway through
10 am to 6 pm
Allison Lee Axinn
Next Supervision Certification Week :
March 2025
Annual Supervision Certification week: January 2th- February 3rd, 2026
Supervision week/weekends:
Please feel free to inquire. and request of additional dates for supervision.
Next Supervision week for already certified LBL therapists.upon request will be coming soon TBA
*For practicing Therapists ... feel free to inquire about review and exchange weeks as well.
Accessing th LBL Gateway
Multiple Accessing:
Gateways, Library, Safe Place.... Didactic Exercises.....Active Imagination,
Post training includes monthly feedback meetings and guest speakers on zoom
Our groups are small and intimate, where personal development is a fundamental part of the base to this work and the philosophy we uphold in becoming a therapist. There is a sacred trust is sharing our growth and we want to respect the process. We like to learn about each student in order to support you in the best way for your growth individually and as a therapist.
Being in alignment with your higher self helps you gain insight and focus during our training as well as helping us, as teachers, learn more about how to teach you in this process, helping you discover as many tools as can serve you in becoming a skilled therapist.
Our basic courses are open to everyone who is truly committed to this work, especially people who wish to learn more about themselves.
*Do feel free to contact us for a consultation or receiving mentoring for career counseling and about your own unique path and evolution as a therapist.
• Housing can be reimbursed within 30 days before the start of a course, if there is a student on the waiting list to substitute your place after which time it is no longer refundable.
• The full tuition of the course balance can be reimbursed within 30 days before the start of a course, after which date it can only be used for the next course, and is no longer refundable.
• Deposits are nonrefundable.
Module 2 Regression Certification Training
Module 2 Regression Certification Training
Part 1 of LBL Training:
Summer Training: